


Statement of Intent

At Barley Mow Primary, we believe that science enables childrem to develop a deep understanding of the world around them and their place in it. We want to inspire our children to pursue their natural curiosity and create inquisitive learners, who are confident in questioning and understanding the world around them. We want our pupils to reflect on their findings, make mistakes and learn from them all the while acquiring and applying core skills which will equip them for an ever-changing world.

Our science curriculum broadens the children’s understanding of what science is, how it links with the wider world and the opportunities it holds for their future.

We do this by:

  • Exploring science with all children on a weekly basis, including the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics, with topics drawn from the National Curriculum 2014.
  • regularly including investigations that embed the “Working Scientifically” strand of the National Curriculum.
  • Creating lessons that foster a love and wonder of science.
  • Showcasing a broad range of science careers to demonstrate the real world application of science.

Science National Curriculum

Science Long Term Plan

Science Policy


Experiencing Science at Lord Lawson of Beamish

The children in Year 5 visited Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy to take part in a Science lesson about cells. The children created their own slides using a layer of onion and a droplet of iodine and then studied the cells found within an onion under the microscope. The...

All About Winter

This week we have been learning all about winter and the changes which happen at this time of year. We started off by observing the changes which have happened outside in our nursery garden. We noticed that all the leaves on the trees and bushes had fallen off and...

Rocks Field Work -Year 3

To conclude our Geography unit on Volcanoes and our Science work on Rocks, Year 3 conducted field work in the school grounds. We hunted for rocks and then marked where we had found them on an aerial map. After photographing them, we used magnifying glasses to look...

Year 2 – Testing waterproof materials

Today, Year 2 had a problem to solve in Science. Howard had a hole in his umbrella and wanted to patch it up with a waterproof material. We tested various materials to find out whether they were waterproof or adsorbent to help him out.

People who help us!

Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about people who help us in our community. The children have had a lot of fun making ambulances and fire engines in the art area, giving poorly ted plasters in the maths area and making get well soon cards. Reception...

People Who Help Us

This term we have been learning about people who help us. First we focused on people who keep us safe. During this learning we focused on police officers, firefighters and construction workers. We discussed the different job roles they have and how they keep us safe....

Year 3 Rock Stars!

In Science, Year 3 have been learning the names, properties and uses of different kinds of rocks. Today we used our senses to carry out various challenges to reinforce our understanding. Here we are, playing our final, favourite game: Rock Stars. For this we had to...

Road to RIAT Glider Challenge

The children in Year 5 have enjoyed taking part in the RAF glider challenge. They were tasked with designing and building three prototype gliders. Once the gliders were built, the children them tested them and evaluated their performance. The children were able to...

Everyday Materials – Year 2 Science

To launch our new topic on Everyday Materials, Year 2 went on a Materials Hunt. We found items made of wood, plastic, metal, glass, rubber, fabric and brick. We then discussed the properties of each material and learnt some new vocabulary: transparent; rigid and...

Year 3 – Health and Movement

Can people with longer legs jump further? In Science, Year 3 have been learning about bones, muscles and how our body moves. We posed the question, "Can people with longer legs jump further?" and planned an investigation to find the answer. We made predictions before...