School Uniform
At Barley Mow Primary School, it is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours. We provide a complete list of the items needed for school within this policy. The policy specifies exactly what choices there are and what we recommend that pupils should wear.
We respectfully request that before purchasing any item that is not specifically listed that you check with the school office to ensure suitability. It is our aim to keep our uniform consistent. We ask that all parents/ carers support our effort to make all aspects of our school outstanding and we believe, as far as possible, a strict adherence to our uniform policy helps.

Aims and Objectives
Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school
- Engenders a feeling of community and belonging
- Supports positive behaviour and discipline
- Is practical and smart
- Identifies the children with the school, and encourages identity with the school
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
- Is regarded as suitable and good value for money, by most parents.
The role of Parents
We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the Uniform Policy.
The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are strong reasons, e.g. on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from school uniform, the school will give consideration to such requests. Similarly, should an item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities then parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the Head Teacher.
The Role of Governors
The Governing Body supports the Head Teacher in implementing the school uniform policy and liaises with the Head Teacher to ensure that the school uniform policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.
It is the Governors’ responsibility to ensure the school uniform meets all national regulations concerning equal opportunities and that our school uniform policy is consistent with our policy on equal opportunities. Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.
Racial Equality and Equal Opportunities
We are committed to ensuring that our school uniform is affordable for all families. All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability.
On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery (other than one pair of earrings and watches). If a child wants to wear earrings, they must be one pair of small studs only and need to be removed or covered with plasters for PE lessons. Earrings must be removed for swimming lessons. A wristwatch can be worn but must be removed for PE. No responsibility can be accepted by the school for any jewellery lost on the premises.
General Appearance
The school does not permit children to wear nail varnish or any other form of make-up. Hair must be of a “natural” colour. Long hair should be tied up.
Children must wear black shoes (not trainers) with their school uniform. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with high heels or open toed sandals, so we do not allow this. Black boots are only acceptable in the winter months, where they are both practical and necessary. When wearing PE uniform, the children must wear trainers or plimsoles.
The Barley Mow Primary School uniform can be purchased from the school supplier- via this link. Uniform can be purchased from other suppliers, as long as they reflect the appropriate school colours as identified within this policy.
Pupils must wear clothes as listed below:
- Grey or black skirt/ tunic / trousers
- White or Royal blue blouse/ shirt/ polo shirt
- Royal blue cardigan/ jumper/ sweatshirt
- Black shoes
P.E. Uniform
Pupils must wear clothes as listed below:
- Black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms
- White t- shirt
- Trainers/ plimsolls
Please note, PE shirts, shorts, jumpers or joggers with other logos, such as those of well-known sports brands, are not acceptable.
All clothing worn in school should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
Swimming Kit (KS2)
Swimming kits must be brought into school in a labelled bag on the day when a child goes swimming. Swimming lessons are usually, attended by children in Year 4 but may occasionally be attended by children in other year groups. You will be notified when your child is due to attend swimming lessons so that you have time to ensure they have the correct kit.
The swimming kit consists of:
- Above the knee swimming trunks/shorts
- One- piece swimming costume (no bikinis)
- Towel
- Hairbrush or comb
- Goggles (optional)
- Plain swimming hats, as appropriate
Extreme Weather
Children should dress appropriately for extreme weather conditions. In the summer it is vital that children have a protective sun hat/cap. Sun cream should be applied to children before they arrive at school on hot summer days. Boots and sufficiently warm waterproof coats should be provided in extremely wet or snowy weather.
As outdoor play is a vital part of the Early Years curriculum, the children in nursery and Reception should be dressed appropriately for all kinds of weather so it is important to provide an appropriate raincoat for wet and cold days. Hats, gloves and wellington boots would also be items that we recommend could be provided for the children.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed every three years or earlier if the need arises.