Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Statement of Intent

At Barley Mow Primary, our intent for PSHE is to provide opportunities for children to develop in a well- balanced way beyond the academic; to move from childhood to adolescence with support and guidance, encouraging both an awareness of others and the growth of responsible independence. We will explore our own beliefs, experiences, values, principles, moral and ethical views, celebrate them and accept those from different countries, religions and cultures. Through this, our children can develop confidence, talents, skills to become well- rounded individuals, motivated learners and active citizens. We want to prepare them for the future by encouraging the development of characteristics for life such as a love of learning, resilience, integrity, team work, critical thinking and independence. We want to prepare them for the world of work and support them in developing enterprise skills and financial awareness.

Our school bases the core work in PSHE around the needs of the children within our school, guided also by the DFE Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.


PSHE Long Term Plan

PSHE Policy

Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Policy

SMSC Policy

Our first week in Reception!

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week, and it’s safe to say we have had a fantastic first week in Reception. The children have enjoyed exploring their new classroom this week and learning all about the new rules and routines in...

Mini Police on Patrol

Our Mini Police had a great time yesterday with Adam and Scott. After important conversations about the dangers of engaging with strangers in everyday life and online, the Barley Mow Mini Force explored inside the police van and even had a chance to operate the sirens...

Grace Darling and the RNLI

Year One had a special visitor today - Martin, a volunteer from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. He talked about the people who help us to stay safe in the water and what to do if we see someone in trouble. We also learned all about Grace Darling to find out...

Restart a Heart

The children in Year 6 took part in a workshop called ‘Restart a Heart’, which has been created in collaboration between the Newcastle United Foundation and the North East Ambulance Service. Within the workshop, the children showed that they know which number they...

Learning about mini-beasts

Nursery have loved learning about mini- beasts this term. We have been looking at where mini-beats live and what they like to eat. We couldn’t believe worms eat mud! We have been practicing moving our bodies like different bugs and searching for mini- beasts in our...

Dangers of smoking

Year 4 have been learning in PSHE about the dangers and risks of smoking, and the benefits of being a non-smoker.

Online Safety

The children in Year 6 enjoyed a visit from police officer Steve and contributed excellent ideas to discussions about bullying and staying safe online. All of the children were able to identify how bullying can make people feel and how they can seek help if they are...

Appropriate Contact

Year 1 have been talking about physical contact in our PSHE lesson this week. We learned that physical contact is when one person touches another. We thought about the physical contact we like from our family or friends (e.g. hugging, holding hands, stroking hair) and...

Road Safety Experts

Today Year 1 and 2 took part in a road safety workshop. We learnt all about the ‘Green Cross Code’ and practised important rules of STOP LOOK LISTEN THINK. We learnt to stop and stand behind a kerb and use our eyes and ears to listen for traffic. We all promised to...

The Three Little Pigs

This week Nursery have been looking at the traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been practising retelling the story using story spoons and taking on the role of different characters. Nursery have also been dressing up as either a pig or a wolf to reenact...