Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Statement of Intent
At Barley Mow Primary, our intent for PSHE is to provide opportunities for children to develop in a well- balanced way beyond the academic; to move from childhood to adolescence with support and guidance, encouraging both an awareness of others and the growth of responsible independence. We will explore our own beliefs, experiences, values, principles, moral and ethical views, celebrate them and accept those from different countries, religions and cultures. Through this, our children can develop confidence, talents, skills to become well- rounded individuals, motivated learners and active citizens. We want to prepare them for the future by encouraging the development of characteristics for life such as a love of learning, resilience, integrity, team work, critical thinking and independence. We want to prepare them for the world of work and support them in developing enterprise skills and financial awareness.
Our school bases the core work in PSHE around the needs of the children within our school, guided also by the DFE Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.