Year 6

Mrs Raine

Welcome to Year 6


Handball Skills

Handball Skills

On Friday, Year 6 went to Lord Lawson to take part in some activities in their PE hall with the help from their sports leaders. They were joined by some Year 6’s from other primary schools in the area where they were able to practise different skills that are needed...

Baroque Music in Year 6

Baroque Music in Year 6

This term in Year 6, Miss Christie has taught the children all about Baroque music and its features. They have looked at the importance of Monteverdi in the history of opera and even learned how to read and play a canon from staff notation. They used the glockenspiels...

The Class System

The Class System

As part of our historical enquiry into the positives and negatives of the Industrial Revolution, Year 6 have been learning about the class system in Victorian England. Today, we explored Charles Booth’s poverty maps and identified where the richest and poorest in...

Developing Inference Skills

Developing Inference Skills

Year 6 were introduced to their new text, There’s a Boy at the Back of the Class, this week. We explored the cover and blurb one section at a time making inferences about the text.

why do people migrate?

why do people migrate?

year 6 have been learning about population growth and change. We explored the reasons why people migrate and what push/pull factors are. We ordered reasons for migration in order of importance.



As part of our School Sports Partnership Year 6 took part in a handball workshop today in preparation for our upcoming handball competition. The children applied skills practised in basketball and netball sessions to this new sport.

Beamish Visit

Year 6 had a fantastic day at Beamish today! We learnt about the 1842 Coal Act and looked at how Britain changed rapidly during the Industrial Revolution.

The Colour of Autumn

The Colour of Autumn

Year 6 went on a nature walk this week to find different natural materials. They created collages in their books using the materials that they collected and will try and replicate these colours in their paintings next week.

Basketball Skills

Basketball Skills

In Year 6 we are now developing basketball skills. We have talked about basketball being an invasion game and in order to play well we must be able to develop the skills needed in order to score points. This includes dribbling and passing the ball. We have practised...