Year 4

Miss Howe

Welcome to Year 4

Building a Character Through Drama

Building a Character Through Drama

As part of our English work based on the story 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner, we are writing an eye-witness account of the evening from the turtle in the story's point of view.To develop our ideas for our writing, we used our imaginations to act as the grumpy, old turtle...

Flexible Partitioning

Flexible Partitioning

As part of their place value unit in maths, Year Four spent some time understanding flexible partitioning of 4-digit numbers. They were able to use part-whole models and place value counters to help them partition the numbers in a range of different ways.

Making Music

Making Music

Year Four have started their first Computing unit for this term, ‘Making Music’. Today, they began by looking at and having a tinker with the ‘BusyBeats’ app on Purple Mash. They loved having an explore of the software and trying to figure out how to get the sounds...

Delicious DT

Delicious DT

As the end to their seasonal food unit, Year 4 have spent today tasting, designing, cooking, and evaluating some delicious seasonal vegetable tarts!They spent the morning preparing their ingredients, washing and carefully slicing. They then tried different ingredients...