Year 3
Mrs Gaukrodger and Mrs NoakesWelcome to Year 3
We have the right!
In PSHE, we have been learning about rights. Rights are rules about what people are allowed to do or have. We learned that everyone has rights and that children and young people have the same rights as adults. They also have special rights. These rights are outlined...
Year 3’s daily 2 minute times table challenge.
In Year 3 we work hard to learn our times tables. We focus on learning one particular table at a time. Each morning we practise and then complete a 2 minute challenge in our challenge booklets. We try to beat the previous day’s score. New questions are gradually...
Rocks Field Work -Year 3
To conclude our Geography unit on Volcanoes and our Science work on Rocks, Year 3 conducted field work in the school grounds. We hunted for rocks and then marked where we had found them on an aerial map. After photographing them, we used magnifying glasses to look...
All That Jazz!
We have been learning about jazz music in our music lessons this term. We have learned that jazz is a lively type of music that uses special beats, improvisation and instruments like the saxophone and trumpet. We have found out about different jazz music including...
Moving Mechanisms
In our DT lessons this half term, we have been learning how to make different moving mechanisms. We looked at a range of pop-up books and different ways mechanisms can be used. We went on to learn how to make a lever, a concertina, a turning wheel and a pop-out...
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Party!
Year 3 and 4 have had a fabulous Christmas party this afternoon. We’ve played musical statues, corners and pass the parcel and enjoyed our afternoon tea.
Year 3 English – The Tunnel
We have been thinking about how authors use descriptions of a character’s body language and actions to show their emotions. We call this “show don’t tell”. For example instead of writing, “Rose was scared,” we might say, “A shiver ran down Rose’s spine and a bead of...
Whoops a Daisy Angel
We hope you enjoyed watching all of our Year 1, 2 and 3 children performing and singing like absolute stars. We are incredibly proud of everyone as the show was simply amazing!
The Christmas Story
In Year 3 RE lessons, we have enjoyed exploring different parts of the Nativity story. We found out that journey that Mary and Joseph had to take from Nazareth to Bethlehem was 120km long. We explored the angel's visit to the shepherds and how they were the first to...
Exploring Vocabulary
In our English lessons, we have been exploring the picture book, 'The Tunnel,' by Anthony Browne. In the story, the older brother crawled into a tunnel that he and his sister discovered on some wasteland. His sister didn't want to go into the tunnel with her brother...
Year 3 are really enjoying our Geography topic on volcanoes. Today, we learnt about how mountains are formed. We then used the atlases to plot mountain ranges around the world. We discovered that they are usually found on or near to tectonic plate boundaries and...
Year 3 Rock Stars!
In Science, Year 3 have been learning the names, properties and uses of different kinds of rocks. Today we used our senses to carry out various challenges to reinforce our understanding. Here we are, playing our final, favourite game: Rock Stars. For this we had to...