Early Years Foundation Stage
Miss Goddard and Mrs WilkinsonWelcome to Early Years Foundation Stage
Determined Dinosaurs!
Wow Nursery have been working their socks off this week learning all about dinosaurs for our blaze the trail unit. We started by looking at different species of dinosaurs and their characteristics such as: how many limbs, what they eat and how they move. We practised...
Gateshead Stadium.
Reception had lots of fun on their school trip to Gateshead Stadium today. We joined lots of other Reception classes from other schools and participated in a circus themed multi-sport festival. Inside the sports hall there were lots of different stations set up with...
All About Winter
This week we have been learning all about winter and the changes which happen at this time of year. We started off by observing the changes which have happened outside in our nursery garden. We noticed that all the leaves on the trees and bushes had fallen off and...
Christmas in Nursery!
Nursery have worked extremely hard over the Christmas period! We started off by learning about the Christmas story and how it started in Bethlehem. We loved retelling the story during our play using small world figures. This helped us to understand our Christmas...
Letters to Santa.
Reception went to deliver their letters today to Santa, at the nearest post box. Reception have been working hard writing their Christmas lists this week for Father Christmas. We walked to the post box very sensibly and all together we posted our letter to the North...
Nursery Stay and Play
What a brilliant morning we have had in nursery! First we all came in wearing our beautiful Christmas jumpers. Then all the adults came into nursery to complete Christmas activities at our stay and play. We enjoyed painting and designing a decoration for our tree at...
Stay and Play in Reception.
Reception have had such a fun and busy afternoon at their stay and play. Reception got to show their grown ups around their classroom and had the chance to complete lots of different Christmas activities, which included making Christmas trees in the art area with...
Firefighter Fun.
Nursery and Reception have had the best day today meeting some Firemen and had the chance to have a look around their actual fire engine. We saw the different parts to the fire engine and the different tools the Fire Fighters use when they’re in action during an...
People who help us!
Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about people who help us in our community. The children have had a lot of fun making ambulances and fire engines in the art area, giving poorly ted plasters in the maths area and making get well soon cards. Reception...
People Who Help Us
This term we have been learning about people who help us. First we focused on people who keep us safe. During this learning we focused on police officers, firefighters and construction workers. We discussed the different job roles they have and how they keep us safe....
Soft Play
This term Nursery have been exploring soft play during our PE lessons. We have been practicing to move our bodies safely over, through, under and across the equipment. This started off as a challenge for a lot of us but after lots of practice and using our arms to...
Children in Need
Wow! We have loved seeing everyone coming into nursery in their non uniform and pyjamas today! Nursery discussed what Children in Need is and why it is important. We loved playing in our Pudsy bear water, exploring our sparkly playdough and colouring in Pudsy...