Early Years Foundation Stage
Miss Goddard and Mrs WilkinsonWelcome to Early Years Foundation Stage
Our first week in Reception!
It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week, and it’s safe to say we have had a fantastic first week in Reception. The children have enjoyed exploring their new classroom this week and learning all about the new rules and routines in...
Nursery Love Pirates!
This term Nurse have loved learning about pirates! We worked extremely hard to make a treasure map. We tea stained paper and then cut out objects to add to the map. We used words such as ‘first’, ‘next’ and ‘then’ to describe what was happening in order to find the...
Nursery Sports Day
Wow Nursery had so much fun at their stay and play sports day! We complete a variety of activities which helped us to practice our throwing, balancing and jumping skills. We especially loved the egg and spoon race and the wellie throwing station. Nursery were super...
Reception’s Sports Day.
Reception had the best afternoon on Thursday, when they completed their sports day for all their grown ups. We practised our races for a couple of weeks before the event, to make sure we were amazing. We were put in red, yellow, green and blue teams and completed a...
Parks, Beaches and Holidays!
In Nursery we have currently been learning about ‘holidays, beaches and parks’. To start off this unit we all brought in pictures from our adventures to these places. We loved sharing news in circle time with our friends about what we had been doing with our families....
Where in the World?
Reception have had a very busy few weeks recently, looking at our topics travel, holidays and beaches as well as exploring the vehicles that get us to our destinations. Reception have painted beach pictures in the art area and used real sand to complete their scene....
Nursery Love Vehicles!
Nursery started off this term by looking at different types of vehicles. In our phonics we have enjoyed singing vehicle based songs such as ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and ‘Down by the Station’. In our small group we made our own vehicles! We focused on cars, Nursery...
Take One Picture 2024
Whole School Art Day In conjunction with The National Gallery in London, on Friday, Barley Mow Primary School pupils once again took part in the annual Take One Picture art project. This involves studying an art work from the gallery's collection alongside other...
Olympic 2024 Celebrations
To celebrate this year’s Olympics in Paris, the whole school took part in a range of activities. The children were able to create their own torches at home and there were some fantastic entries. The winner from each class was awarded their very own medal. During the...
Reception had the most amazing time outdoors at Gibside today. We started our day at the walled garden, on a mini-beast hunt. We explored the grounds and found spiders, ladybirds, worms and more using our magnifying glasses and pots to observe them closer. Reception...
Mad about Mini-beasts.
Reception have had such a busy couple of weeks, learning about mini-beasts. We made different types of mini-beast art ,which includes using our cutting and sticking skills to make collages like the artist Henry Matisse, which we have previously learnt about. We made...
Learning about mini-beasts
Nursery have loved learning about mini- beasts this term. We have been looking at where mini-beats live and what they like to eat. We couldn’t believe worms eat mud! We have been practicing moving our bodies like different bugs and searching for mini- beasts in our...