Physical Education

Statement of Intent

At Barley Mow Primary we all recognise the importance of raising sporting achievement and performance in order to improve the health and wellbeing of all our pupils. Our intent is to deliver a high- quality PE curriculum, as well as offer a wide range of extra- curricular activities.

We believe that a rich and varied PE curriculum can improve attainment, attendance and behaviour. In addition, we want to inspire a love of sport in order to raise the level of physical activity of our pupils outside of school. Through our PE provision we aim to develop the skills and attitudes needed for every child to enjoy the physical and social benefits of lifelong participation in physical activity and healthy living.

Our school bases the core work in PE around the National Curriculum which aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • Lead healthy, active lives.

PE National Curriculum

PE Long Term Plan

Due to various coaching and outside agencies working with our pupils throughout the year some of the activities listed on the long term plan may vary.

PE Policy

Key Stage 1 Cricket Festival

Some of the children from key stage 1 were representing the school at Gateshead Stadium today as part of Durham’s Cricket Festival. The children were shown lots of new skills and really enjoyed playing alongside other schools in our area. They came away with a...

Determined Dinosaurs!

Wow Nursery have been working their socks off this week learning all about dinosaurs for our blaze the trail unit. We started by looking at different species of dinosaurs and their characteristics such as: how many limbs, what they eat and how they move. We practised...

Invasion Games

This week year 2 have been working hard during PE. We started by discussing attackers and defenders and their jobs when working in a team. We then discussed the different ways that different games score goals in different ways and working as a team is important. We...

Yoga and Mindfulness

Year 3 are improving their core strength, flexibility, balance and mindfulness in PE this term. We have learnt lots of yoga positions and have practised perfecting them. This week we worked on smooth transitions from one pose to another.

Gateshead Stadium.

Reception had lots of fun on their school trip to Gateshead Stadium today. We joined lots of other Reception classes from other schools and participated in a circus themed multi-sport festival. Inside the sports hall there were lots of different stations set up with...

Handball Skills

On Friday, Year 6 went to Lord Lawson to take part in some activities in their PE hall with the help from their sports leaders. They were joined by some Year 6’s from other primary schools in the area where they were able to practise different skills that are needed...

All About Winter

This week we have been learning all about winter and the changes which happen at this time of year. We started off by observing the changes which have happened outside in our nursery garden. We noticed that all the leaves on the trees and bushes had fallen off and...

Year 2 Multi Skills Festival

Year 2 recently attended a multi skills sport event at Lord Lawson of Beamish alongside other Birtley schools. The children certainly had a great time and were wonderful sporting ambassadors for our school showcasing teamwork, honesty and determination.

Soft Play

This term Nursery have been exploring soft play during our PE lessons. We have been practicing to move our bodies safely over, through, under and across the equipment. This started off as a challenge for a lot of us but after lots of practice and using our arms to...


As part of our School Sports Partnership Year 6 took part in a handball workshop today in preparation for our upcoming handball competition. The children applied skills practised in basketball and netball sessions to this new sport.