Attendance/Absence (including holiday requests)

Attendance and Registration

Parents are asked to contact School on the child’s first day of absence – if contact is not made, it is school practice to contact home to ascertain the reason for the child’s absence. For prolonged absence, we will supply you with work your child can complete at home.

Absence without satisfactory explanation is recorded as “UNAUTHORISED“. The Headteacher decides whether or not to authorise absence. Minding the house, looking after other children or shopping trips will not be authorised. However, family crises will be acknowledged and absence may be authorised.

Under national legislation (September 2013), pupil leave of absence to take holidays during term time is not allowed – the only absences that will be considered are exceptional circumstances, with annual family holidays not being exceptional.

Lateness is recorded – we will contact you if children are habitually late.  Persistent lateness and / or absenteeism may be referred on to the Legal Intervention Team.

Please see Attendance Policy:

Attendance Policy


Absence Statistics

Percentage school attendance for year 2020-2021          95.28%

Percentage school attendance for year 2019-2020          94.83%


Attendance Rewards

We also encourage regular and consistent attendance of children by rewarding those children who are able to attend school without any absences over weekly periods and also over a whole school year. Each class ‘competes’ for a weekly attendance trophy, with the winning class of the week being awarded 5 minutes extra playtime.