
Year 3 have been learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. They had an amazing lesson using a place value grid to help them calculate. They were great at remembering to multiply the ones column first then the tens. Well done Year 3!


Year 3 are having a fantastic time and making brilliant progress with their ukulele lessons. This morning, they learned how to change from the A minor chord to the C chord and then C chord to the F chord. Well done!

Newsletter 24.1.25

Newsletter 24.1.25

Key Stage 1 Cricket Festival

Some of the children from key stage 1 were representing the school at Gateshead Stadium today as part of Durham’s Cricket Festival. The children were shown lots of new skills and really enjoyed playing alongside other schools in our area. They came away with a...

The Human Form – Year 2 Art

Year 2 have been learning about how sculpture can be used to represent the human form. After looking at the work of various artists, including Antony Gormley, we used a range of 3D materials to create our own works of art.

Experiencing Science at Lord Lawson of Beamish

The children in Year 5 visited Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy to take part in a Science lesson about cells. The children created their own slides using a layer of onion and a droplet of iodine and then studied the cells found within an onion under the microscope. The...

Determined Dinosaurs!

Wow Nursery have been working their socks off this week learning all about dinosaurs for our blaze the trail unit. We started by looking at different species of dinosaurs and their characteristics such as: how many limbs, what they eat and how they move. We practised...

Invasion Games

This week year 2 have been working hard during PE. We started by discussing attackers and defenders and their jobs when working in a team. We then discussed the different ways that different games score goals in different ways and working as a team is important. We...


On behalf of all the staff, the children and Governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to Barley Mow Primary School. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful school building, which is fully accessible to all.

At Barley Mow we aim to create a happy, caring and supportive ethos in which every child is valued and given the opportunity to realise their full potential. We have high academic, social, sporting, cultural and behavioural standards and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our children.

Children are at the centre of everything we do. We aim to foster a love of learning which we hope will stay with them throughout their lives.

The family community of Barley Mow is central to our beliefs. Families and the wider community play a vital role as co-educators and we encourage close links between home and school.

I hope that through our school website, you will be able to gain an insight into our school. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to arrange a visit or gain further information.

Nicola Watson (Head Teacher)


Further Community Consultation Date

Another Community Consultation session has been arranged by our development partners Inspired Spaces. This event is scheduled for 3-6.30pm on Thursday 30th April in the school dining area. This will be an opportunity for you to have a look at and comment on the latest...

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Community Consultation Date

All parents and members of the Barley Mow Community are invited to come into school at any time between 4-6pm on Wednesday 25th March to have a look at, and comment on, options that are being considered for our new building. At present, there are no firm...

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School Staff Car Park

Please note that on safety grounds the staff car park should not be used to drop off or pick children up before and after school. Pedestrian gates are sited OUTSIDE the car park and BELOW the main playground. Vehicles authorised by the school are the only vehicles...

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