Amazing Adaptation

Year 6 have been learning about Darwin’s theory of evolution and how he used his studies of plants and animals to support his ideas. Today, we have been looking at how sparrows on the Galápagos Islands adapted to suit their environment. We used different ‘beak styles’...

Building a Character Through Drama

As part of our English work based on the story 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner, we are writing an eye-witness account of the evening from the turtle in the story's point of view.To develop our ideas for our writing, we used our imaginations to act as the grumpy, old turtle...

Councillor Visits Assembly

In assembly this week, the children were very lucky to have a visit from Councillor Joe Sowerby. He spoke to the children about his role as a councillor and shared with them how he campaigned to win votes in the election. The children will soon be holding their own...

Indian Art

In Year 3 this term we are learning about art from India. We started our topic by looking at a range of Indian art across history. We discussed what we liked and disliked, thinking about the formal elements of art: colour, tone, pattern, texture, line, composition,...

Creation Stories

Year 2’s Religion Education topic this half term is called Our Wonderful World. We have been listening to the “Creation Stories” from different religions. This week we explored the Hindu creation story and compared it with others. We then sequenced the story and acted...


Year 6 have been working on developing their rolls and balances in PE. They have begun to use them as part of a sequence. They have been really trying to ensure that their posture is good whilst carrying out a sequence.

Reading Buddies

This term, our Key Stage 2 and 1 children have been paired up as reading buddies. Each Friday, the children will select a book to read with their buddy and enjoy. As you can see from the photos, it was wonderful to see our older and younger children reading together.

How does a character feel?

In English lessons, Year 5 have started reading the book There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom and have been discussing the characters within the story. While studying the characters, the children have explored how character dialogue can give the reader an...


On behalf of all the staff, the children and Governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to Barley Mow Primary School. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful school building, which is fully accessible to all.

At Barley Mow we aim to create a happy, caring and supportive ethos in which every child is valued and given the opportunity to realise their full potential. We have high academic, social, sporting, cultural and behavioural standards and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our children.

Children are at the centre of everything we do. We aim to foster a love of learning which we hope will stay with them throughout their lives.

The family community of Barley Mow is central to our beliefs. Families and the wider community play a vital role as co-educators and we encourage close links between home and school.

I hope that through our school website, you will be able to gain an insight into our school. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to arrange a visit or gain further information.

Nicola Watson (Head Teacher)


Flexible Partitioning

Flexible Partitioning

As part of their place value unit in maths, Year Four spent some time understanding flexible partitioning of 4-digit numbers. They were able to use part-whole models and place value counters to help them partition the numbers in a range of different ways.

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History Detectives

History Detectives

Year 2 became detectives in History this week. They used different paintings of a significant event from the past to ask curious questions and share ideas about what they could see and notice. There were lots of amazing ideas shared and are looking forward to next...

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Pulse and Rhythm

Pulse and Rhythm

In Year 1 Music lessons the children will be learning how to identify the pulse & rhythm within music. Today the children worked with Miss Christie, our music specialist, to identify and clap out the pulse and rhythm in a song and understand the difference between...

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