
Baroque Music in Year 6

Baroque Music in Year 6

This term in Year 6, Miss Christie has taught the children all about Baroque music and its features. They have looked at the importance of Monteverdi in the history of opera and even learned how to read and play a canon from staff notation. They used the glockenspiels...

The Christmas Journey

The Christmas Journey

With the countdown to Christmas in full swing , Year 2 visited Birtley Methodist Church. They went on a very special journey back in time over 2000 years ago to hear all about the 'Nativity Story'. They met Mary and Joseph, a shepherd and even one of the three wise...

The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story

In Year 3 RE lessons, we have enjoyed exploring different parts of the Nativity story. We found out that journey that Mary and Joseph had to take from Nazareth to Bethlehem was 120km long. We explored the angel's visit to the shepherds and how they were the first to...

Exploring Vocabulary

Exploring Vocabulary

In our English lessons, we have been exploring the picture book, 'The Tunnel,' by Anthony Browne. In the story, the older brother crawled into a tunnel that he and his sister discovered on some wasteland. His sister didn't want to go into the tunnel with her brother...

Where does our energy come from?

Where does our energy come from?

In our Geography topic this term, the children in Year 5 have been learning about where energy comes from. They have identified sources of energy and learned about trading routes around the world, understanding that countries import and export energy. The children...

Super at sewing!

Super at sewing!

Year 2 have been practising sewing techniques in preparation for making puppets. They used a needle, some thread and a special fabric called binca. Sewing is very tricky, especially for beginners, but with hard work and determination the children showcased some...

Year 2 – Testing waterproof materials

Year 2 – Testing waterproof materials

Today, Year 2 had a problem to solve in Science. Howard had a hole in his umbrella and wanted to patch it up with a waterproof material. We tested various materials to find out whether they were waterproof or adsorbent to help him out.