
Our Vision

Mathematics is fundamental for everyday life and teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing the ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. Our vision is to support all children to become fluent, independent mathematicians to prepare them for future achievements. We want our children to have a growth mindset and a sense of both enjoyment and curiosity towards this subject. Enriched mathematical talk is vital to develop mathematical concepts and deepen understanding in order to produce confident, skilled, resilient pupils who are not afraid of a challenge and are equipped to approach mathematics in the real world.

Statement of Intent

At Barley Mow Primary, we recognise that maths teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives.  Our intent is for children to leave us as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians; who understand that mathematics is a fundamental part of everyday life and the world we live in.

Our school bases the core work in maths around the National Curriculum which aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non- routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
  • Understand the importance of maths in everyday life.

At Barley Mow Primary, we follow a mastery approach and teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.  Our approach is underpinned by the Five Big Ideas of Mastery which is outlined below.

White Rose Maths  Schemes of Learning

Maths National Curriculum

Maths Policy

Maths Long Term Plans

Barley Mow Primary School EYFS Progression

Maths Progression -Primary

Maths Parent Home Guide

Multiplication Masters

The children in Year 5 have been working hard to develop their multiplication skills this week. They began by recapping short multiplication methods before moving on to using the area model to multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number. Next, the children will...

Year 3’s daily 2 minute times table challenge.

In Year 3 we work hard to learn our times tables. We focus on learning one particular table at a time. Each morning we practise and then complete a 2 minute challenge in our challenge booklets. We try to beat the previous day’s score. New questions are gradually...

Christmas in Nursery!

Nursery have worked extremely hard over the Christmas period! We started off by learning about the Christmas story and how it started in Bethlehem. We loved retelling the story during our play using small world figures. This helped us to understand our Christmas...

Nursery Stay and Play

What a brilliant morning we have had in nursery! First we all came in wearing our beautiful Christmas jumpers. Then all the adults came into nursery to complete Christmas activities at our stay and play. We enjoyed painting and designing a decoration for our tree at...

People who help us!

Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about people who help us in our community. The children have had a lot of fun making ambulances and fire engines in the art area, giving poorly ted plasters in the maths area and making get well soon cards. Reception...

fractions four operations

yesterday, year 6 tested their fraction calculation skills by playing a game.

Birthday Celebrations

In Nursery, November is a very busy month filled with birthdays. We have used this to inspire our learning this week. We have discussed how we are all different in nursery, some of us are three and some of us are four! We enjoyed making birthday cakes in the home...


Reception this week have been learning all about the famous abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky would listen to music and different sounds, then represent the emotion and how it made him feel in his paintings, using different colours and shapes. Kandinsky...

Pumpkin Soup!

This week in nursery we have reading the story ‘pumpkin soup’. This was a new story for us, we enjoyed using our predicting skills to discuss what might happen next in the story. We used this story to inspire a cooking activity and we made our own soup! We discussed...

The Part-Whole Model

Year 1 have been learning that the part-whole model is a pictorial representation that shows the relationship between a whole and its parts. This is useful to help our understanding of addition and subtraction. We used children, beanbags, shapes and animals to...