Digital Safety


The Department for Education states:

 The internet provides children and young people with a wealth of opportunities for their entertainment, communication and education. But there are also risks of harm through the deliberate behaviour of others online, and through exposure to inappropriate content.
As children grow up in an increasingly digital world, they need to be aware of the risks they face online. Everyone can play a part in keeping children safe and the internet industries have a particular responsibility to create tools and information to help.

Click the following link for a copy of our e-safety policy: E-safety Policy

Here are a number of links and documents recommended for children and parents dedicated to securing an ‘e-safe’ environment.
Please click on the links below in order to download each guide.


Our designated safeguarding lead is the Head Teacher – Mrs Watson.
Other safeguarding leads are Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Raine.
You can also speak to our safeguarding governor.

In school, we use an online platform called CPOMS which is a safeguarding software for schools. Information received from outside agencies can be stored and recorded on the CPOMs system. CPOMs is a protected online platform where professionals in school can access information relating to the behaviour and safety of a child. When requested, this can also be shared with other professional such as police and social workers.

For more detailed information about our safeguarding policies and/or procedures, click here.

Operation Encompass

We are an Operation Encompass School.

What does this mean?
Operation Encompass is a joint operation between Gateshead Council, Northumbria Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner. This operation started in Gateshead in April 2015.
Operation Encompass was initiated in February 2011 with the purpose to ‘safeguard children and young people (4 – 16 years old) who are affected by domestic abuse by ensuring appropriate services are made aware of an incident at the earliest possible opportunity’.

Domestic Violence and Abuse Home Office Definition (2013) – Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse: financial, sexual, physical, emotional and psychological

Operation Encompass Process – Police attend a DV incident in a home where a young person present. Police record the child’s name, age and school. A log is sent to the Domestic Abuse Team (DAT) who notify school via a secure email. Information will then be shared with the relevant staff, so that the young person can be supported as needed. All actions will be logged using our online recording system CPOMS.

COVID-19 an update from Northumbria Police – please click this link for important information on how being safe and being vigilant is important during these times. If you need further information or have any concerns then you may find this document useful.