by Miss Haley | Jun 19, 2018 | Latest News, Year 5
Year five went to Gibside for an adventure today. When we arrived we split in to two groups and went geocaching. We used the geocache map to direct us to boxes that were hidden in different places. In each box was a challenge that we had to complete. Our favourite...
by Mrs Oram | Jun 13, 2018 | Latest News, Year 5
In Year 5 we have been reading and exploring poems by John Agard. We spent time identifying common themes and messages within his poems. We were then able to infer and deduce information about John. After reading his poem, The Dew-Stealers, in groups we worked...
by Mrs Watson | Jun 11, 2018 | Events and Visits, Latest News, Year 5, Year 6
Year 5 and 6 had an excellent day of team building and outdoor activities at Gibside. Den Building and geocaching stretched our minds and bodies too.
by Mrs Oram | May 25, 2018 | Latest News, Year 5
In Year 5, we have been learning about the American photographer Ansel Adams. Adams took many photographs with a low horizon. Year 5 have used the Ipads to take photographs which emphasise the sky and show up the clouds.
by Mrs Oram | May 25, 2018 | Latest News, Year 5
In Music, Year 5 have been learning to play Three Note Bossa on the recorder. We listened carefully to the song and as a group appraised it. We practised the notes on our recorders and then we performed it as a group.
by Mrs Oram | May 16, 2018 | Latest News, Year 5
Last week, when Marcus came to teach us about having a healthy heart we learned how important exercise and rest is for your heart. We loved it!