Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace

The title ‘Prince of Peace’ is often used to refer to Jesus, especially during the Christmas season. Today in Year 5’s RE lesson we looked at references made to peace in the Bible that were related to Jesus and the nativity story. We reflected on what peace means to...
Sports Crew- Who are you?

Sports Crew- Who are you?

Our Year 5 Sports Crew have made a great start this term. The children have developed their role by discussing ways to improve active play during lunchtimes. The children have been setting up games and encouraging children from Nursery up to Year 6 to get involved and...
Writing Superstars,

Writing Superstars,

Year 5’s book this half term is The Viewer by Gary Crew and Shaun Tan. It has inspired us to write some wonderful setting descriptions. Today, not only did we use some highly impressive vocabulary in our work but our handwriting was much improved too! In fact, we...
Year 5 STEM Challenge Day

Year 5 STEM Challenge Day

Year 5 had a great day taking part in the Road to RIAT (Royal International Air Tattoo) Glider Challenge day. We began by learning that a glider soars through the air without the help of a motor. They have wings, a tail, a cockpit and a fuselage. We learned about the...
Brilliant Bridges

Brilliant Bridges

In DT we have been learning all about bridges. We learned the names of the different parts of a bridge and ways to make them more stable. We went on to design and make bridges to meet given design criteria. When finished, we were able to test our bridges to see how...