Where does our energy come from?

Where does our energy come from?

In our Geography topic this term, the children in Year 5 have been learning about where energy comes from. They have identified sources of energy and learned about trading routes around the world, understanding that countries import and export energy. The children...
As-tu un animal?

As-tu un animal?

In French lessons, the children in Year 5 have been learning to talk about the pets that they do and don’t have. To do this they have been learning the French vocabulary for animals and then learning to apply this in sentences so they could write a short passage about...
Road to RIAT Glider Challenge

Road to RIAT Glider Challenge

The children in Year 5 have enjoyed taking part in the RAF glider challenge. They were tasked with designing and building three prototype gliders. Once the gliders were built, the children them tested them and evaluated their performance. The children were able to...

Spectacular Self-Portraits

In Art, the children in Year 5 have been learning about the artist Frida Kahlo. At the beginning of the unit of work, the children learned about Frida’s life and analysed some of her paintings. The children then focused on the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo and the...

Game Creators

In Computing this half term, the children in Year 5 have been planning and creating a game using 2DIY3D in Purple Mash. They have used clip art to include images and enemies and changed the settings of their games. The children have also added treasure to their games...
Life’s Big Questions

Life’s Big Questions

In RE this half term, the children in Year 5 have been exploring the unit, Life’s big questions. Within these lessons, the children have considered some of the fundamental questions humans ask themselves about life such as, ‘How can someone communicate with God’ and...