Indian Art

Indian Art

In Year 3 this term we are learning about art from India. We started our topic by looking at a range of Indian art across history. We discussed what we liked and disliked, thinking about the formal elements of art: colour, tone, pattern, texture, line, composition,...
Numbers to 1,000

Numbers to 1,000

In maths we have been learning to represent numbers to 1,000 in different ways. We used base 10 equipment to make 3 digit numbers and used it to help us partition the numbers into hundreds, tens and ones.
Making shapes

Making shapes

The children in Year 3 have been exploring shapes. The children used geoboards to create 2D shapes discussing the sides and corners of a shape and how we can have shapes which are regular and irregular. The children then explored 3D shapes and looked at edges and...
World Music Day

World Music Day

The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing some of their favourite songs and dancing along to them with their friends. The children were able to share why a song was important and listen to other’s opinions sometimes on the same songs. We discussed how songs can come...