Amazing Adaptation

Amazing Adaptation

Year 6 have been learning about Darwin’s theory of evolution and how he used his studies of plants and animals to support his ideas. Today, we have been looking at how sparrows on the Galápagos Islands adapted to suit their environment. We used different ‘beak styles’...
Grow your own potatoes!

Grow your own potatoes!

Year 1 have enjoyed taking part in the ’Grow your own potatoes’ project. First, we had to chit the seed potatoes which involved leaving them on a sunny windowsill for 2 weeks. Then, we planted them and left them to grow for 12 weeks. Yesterday, we finally harvested...
Habitat Heroes

Habitat Heroes

Year 3 had a workshop led by staff from The Royal Horticultural Society. The children discussed habitats and what creatures we might find outdoors. The children went outside and picked an animal before taking a photograph of a possible habitat. They discussed what...