Life’s Big Questions

Life’s Big Questions

In RE this half term, the children in Year 5 have been exploring the unit, Life’s big questions. Within these lessons, the children have considered some of the fundamental questions humans ask themselves about life such as, ‘How can someone communicate with God’ and...
Creation Stories

Creation Stories

Year 2’s Religion Education topic this half term is called Our Wonderful World. We have been listening to the “Creation Stories” from different religions. This week we explored the Hindu creation story and compared it with others. We then sequenced the story and acted...
Stories of Christianity

Stories of Christianity

In our RE lessons we have been exploring stories from the Bible. This week we have been learning about the parables of Jesus. We learned that parables are stories that have a moral or spiritual lesson and Jesus told these stories to teach people how to live their...
The Easter Story

The Easter Story

Year 5 were invited to Birtley Methodist Church to learn more about the Christian story of Easter.We learnt about the last few weeks of Jesus’ life and how this became the celebration of Easter. We first learnt about Jesus arriving to town on a donkey- unlike any...
Learning about Jesus

Learning about Jesus

This half term the children in Year 3 have been learning about Jesus and how different people have different opinions about Jesus both as a person and what he looked like. The children discussed different parables and stories from the Bible and how these stories...