Latest Site Activity

Today (Thursday 17th December), the School Council made their latest visit to the building site and witnessed the installation of the beam which has their inscribed initials on it. This beam will be situated above the main adult entrance to the building for everyone...

Visit to Finley’s Steel Structures

On Friday 27th November, the School Council visited Finley’s Steel Fabrication facility in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. This is the company that is preparing the steel skeleton for our new building. The School Council was accompanied by staff and...

3D Model

Our Y5 pupils have worked with a team of architects, planners and builders from Inspired Spaces, Gateshead Council and Robertsons, to create a fantastic 3 dimensional model of our new building (see photo below). The quality and detail of the model really do have to be...

School Council Site Visits

The pupils’ School Council are visiting the building site regularly to take photographs and report on changes and developments for the rest of the school. They even have their own newsboards to keep our children up to date with the latest news. Photographs and...

Inspired Spaces Website

Please click in this link to visit the Inspired Spaces website. Inspired Spaces are our development partner for our new school. The link will take you to their home page / Summary for the Barley Mow project. By clicking on the Projects TAB at the top of the page,...

Planning Permission Granted!

At the Planning & Development Committee meeting of Gateshead Council held on Wednesday September 2nd 2009, unanimous approval was given to the planning application for our new school! This means that we are now able to move forward to the construction stage. We...