Amazing Adaptation

Amazing Adaptation

Year 6 have been learning about Darwin’s theory of evolution and how he used his studies of plants and animals to support his ideas. Today, we have been looking at how sparrows on the Galápagos Islands adapted to suit their environment. We used different ‘beak styles’...
How does a character feel?

How does a character feel?

In English lessons, Year 5 have started reading the book There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom and have been discussing the characters within the story. While studying the characters, the children have explored how character dialogue can give the reader an...
History Detectives

History Detectives

Year 2 became detectives in History this week. They used different paintings of a significant event from the past to ask curious questions and share ideas about what they could see and notice. There were lots of amazing ideas shared and are looking forward to next...
Pulse and Rhythm

Pulse and Rhythm

In Year 1 Music lessons the children will be learning how to identify the pulse & rhythm within music. Today the children worked with Miss Christie, our music specialist, to identify and clap out the pulse and rhythm in a song and understand the difference between...
Numbers to 100

Numbers to 100

Year 2 have made a super start in their maths lessons this week learning numbers to 100. Today the children played a game in pairs. One had to build a number using base ten and the other had to count the tens and ones to check if they were right.