by Miss Howe | Oct 3, 2022 | English, Year 4
Today, Year 4 used drama to inspire their writing. They thought about how the man in our story might have moved and acted it out, thinking carefully about what specific verbs we could use.
by Miss Howe | Sep 27, 2022 | Art and Design, English, Events and Visits, News, Year 4
Today, Year 4 had the privilege of a live Zoom workshop with author and illustrator, Nadia Shireen! She read the first chapter of her newest book in the Grimwood series and explained how to draw one of the characters- Eric Dynamite. I think you’ll agree, they...
by Miss Howe | Sep 8, 2022 | English, Year 4
Today, Year 4 looked at detailed sections of the cover of our new class story. We worked in groups to identify what we could see, what we liked and disliked, and if if made us think of any other stories or images we could think of. We then used these clues and our...
by Miss Howe | Apr 28, 2022 | Classes, English, News, Year 4
Today, Year 4 have been looking at how they can write detailed, expanded openers to fairytales using adverbial phrases. We realised that classic fairytales usually start with introducing when, where and who the story is about.They used different colours of card to...
by Miss Howe | Apr 8, 2022 | Classes, English, News, Year 4
Today, the first of our Year 4 class received their well deserved handwriting licences! They have worked very hard over the past term to keep their writing neat, joined and consistent- great work!
by Miss Howe | Apr 4, 2022 | English, News, Year 4
Today, in English, we worked in groups to act out the section of Anne Frank’s life when there is a close call with soldiers in the office below the annexe and her family fear they may be found and captured. We acted as the soldiers, Anne, Margot, Otto and Miep...