by Miss Todd | Jan 16, 2025 | Early Years Foundation Stage, Events and Visits, PE, Reception, Sports
Reception had lots of fun on their school trip to Gateshead Stadium today. We joined lots of other Reception classes from other schools and participated in a circus themed multi-sport festival. Inside the sports hall there were lots of different stations set up with...
by Miss Todd | Dec 6, 2024 | Art and Design, English, Events and Visits, Latest News, Reception
Reception have had such a fun and busy afternoon at their stay and play. Reception got to show their grown ups around their classroom and had the chance to complete lots of different Christmas activities, which included making Christmas trees in the art area with...
by Mrs Wilkinson | Nov 29, 2024 | DT, Early Years Foundation Stage, Maths, PSHE, Reception, Science
Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about people who help us in our community. The children have had a lot of fun making ambulances and fire engines in the art area, giving poorly ted plasters in the maths area and making get well soon cards. Reception...
by Miss Todd | Nov 14, 2024 | Art and Design, History, Maths, Reception
Reception this week have been learning all about the famous abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky would listen to music and different sounds, then represent the emotion and how it made him feel in his paintings, using different colours and shapes. Kandinsky...
by Miss Todd | Nov 8, 2024 | Art and Design, DT, Events and Visits, Geography, History, RE, Reception
Reception have had a very busy week learning all about different celebrations. We started exploring Bonfire night and why we use fireworks and bonfires to remember a man called Guy Fawkes, who lived hundreds of years ago and attempted to blow up a very important...
by Miss Todd | Oct 25, 2024 | DT, Latest News, Reception
Reception have had a busy morning today cooking vegetable soup and tasting it. We started our cooking by washing our hands, before carefully having a go at chopping the vegetables we needed for it, which were potatoes and carrots. Next we needed to add our vegetables...