Ancient Jewellery

Ancient Jewellery

To start their art unit for this term, Year 4 began by looking at jewellery from ancient civilisations. They learned that the oldest jewellery ever found, was made from bones, teeth and berries!They made notes and sketches about their favourite pieces.
Mehndi artist – Jyoti Chheda

Mehndi artist – Jyoti Chheda

Year 3 – Indian Art As part of our topic on Indian Art, Year 3 studied the work of Jyoti Chheda. We learnt how she uses henna to paint intricate mehndi patterns onto the skin, particularly for wedding ceremonies and festivals. We explored her style, themes and...
Indian Art

Indian Art

In Year 3 this term we are learning about art from India. We started our topic by looking at a range of Indian art across history. We discussed what we liked and disliked, thinking about the formal elements of art: colour, tone, pattern, texture, line, composition,...
Thandiwe Muriu

Thandiwe Muriu

In Art this term Year 1 have been exploring African art. We have investigated traditional African art, cultures and traditions. We began by exploring various materials to create our own patterns using different shapes, lines and colours. We then researched the...