by Miss Todd | Dec 6, 2024 | Art and Design, English, Events and Visits, Latest News, Reception
Reception have had such a fun and busy afternoon at their stay and play. Reception got to show their grown ups around their classroom and had the chance to complete lots of different Christmas activities, which included making Christmas trees in the art area with...
by Miss Goddard | Nov 29, 2024 | Art and Design, Early Years Foundation Stage, English, History, Science
This term we have been learning about people who help us. First we focused on people who keep us safe. During this learning we focused on police officers, firefighters and construction workers. We discussed the different job roles they have and how they keep us safe....
by Miss Todd | Nov 14, 2024 | Art and Design, History, Maths, Reception
Reception this week have been learning all about the famous abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky would listen to music and different sounds, then represent the emotion and how it made him feel in his paintings, using different colours and shapes. Kandinsky...
by Mrs Lewis | Nov 12, 2024 | Art and Design, News, Year 1
During the half term holidays the Year 1 children were asked to collect natural materials from their local area ready for our Earth Art unit this half term. So far we have created some fantastic sculptures and leaf hedgehogs. The children are currently exploring...
by Miss Todd | Nov 8, 2024 | Art and Design, DT, Events and Visits, Geography, History, RE, Reception
Reception have had a very busy week learning all about different celebrations. We started exploring Bonfire night and why we use fireworks and bonfires to remember a man called Guy Fawkes, who lived hundreds of years ago and attempted to blow up a very important...
by Mrs Armstrong | Nov 8, 2024 | Art and Design, Latest News, Year 5
In Art, the children in Year 5 have been learning about the artist Frida Kahlo. At the beginning of the unit of work, the children learned about Frida’s life and analysed some of her paintings. The children then focused on the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo and the...