Exploring Vocabulary

Exploring Vocabulary

In our English lessons, we have been exploring the picture book, ‘The Tunnel,’ by Anthony Browne. In the story, the older brother crawled into a tunnel that he and his sister discovered on some wasteland. His sister didn’t want to go into the tunnel...

Ball Skills

Year 3 have been working really hard in PE lessons this half term to develop our throwing and catching skills. Today, we put our skills to good use when playing Bench Ball.

Celebrating Purim

Year 3 have been learning about different Jewish festivals in our RE lessons. To help us learn about the festival of Purim, we watched a video to find out the different ways Jewish children prepared for the celebration. Their preparations included choosing fancy dress...
Stone Age Art

Stone Age Art

In history we are learning about the Stone Age. We explored a range of photographs of Stone Age cave paintings and discussed the things that we could see and what they told us about people living in the Stone Age. We learned that during the Stone Age, people would...