Great Greenhouses

Great Greenhouses

The children in Year 3 have been real DT superstars this week. They have researched greenhouses and found out how they work. They were amazed to hear the types of fruit, vegetables and plants that can be grown in a greenhouse. The children then had to design their own...
Hancock Museum

Hancock Museum

Year 3 had a great time at the Hancock Museum today. They learned lots about the Romans and got the chance to do lots of activities about them. They loved being able to interact with all of the different exhibits in the museum!
Sports day

Sports day

Children from years 1 to 6 have had a very hot but enjoyable sports day. Every child took part in all the races and it was lovely to see some great sportsmanship from everyone cheering on their houses. Congratulations to Sage who won this mornings sports day for years...
Morning Mindfulness

Morning Mindfulness

This morning the Year 3 children enjoyed a morning of relaxing music, mindfulness colouring, juice and biscuits. It was a lovely way to catch up with the children after the week off. The children enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with friends and to reflect on...
Magnet mania!

Magnet mania!

Year 3 have been testing magnetic materials. They gathered objects that they thought would and wouldn’t be magnetic and tested them to see if their predictions were right. They organised all of the objects into a venn diagram based on whether they were or weren’t...