Our Mini Police had a great time yesterday with Adam and Scott. After important conversations about the dangers of engaging with strangers in everyday life and online, the Barley Mow Mini Force explored inside the police van and even had a chance to operate the sirens...
As part of their geography topic, Year 2 have been investigating the local area around our school. First, they looked at maps and planned a route of areas to walk around and explore. Then they walked around the areas to look at the positive features in our...
Year 2 have continued to study the life and work of Henri Rousseau during their art lessons. They have progressed from sketching foliage to adding the finer details and colour. We can’t wait to see their finished pieces displayed in our classroom.
Everyone at Barley Mow Primary School would like to say a huge thank you to Onestop, Barley Mow for their tremendous and very generous donation of Easter eggs. The eggs were used as mystery prizes at our Easter Fair today.
Today, Year 2 began reading reverso poems by the American poet Marilyn Singer. A reverso poem is a poem in 2 parts that tells a story. The words are the same in each verse but reversed and spoken from a different perspective or character. The children tried very hard...