by Mrs Hay | Nov 29, 2018 | Events and Visits, News
The children had a wonderful time at our school disco last week. There was some fantastic dancing going on! Some children enjoyed getting their face painted or had a glitter tattoo done, thanks to our lovely helpers! Thank you to all the staff and the Parents’...
by Mrs Hay | Sep 30, 2018 | News, Year 4
Today, Year 4 have been trying to use a range of fronted adverbials at the beginning of sentences. We used pictures from the book ‘Tuesday’ and discussed each action in each picture. We then had to choose a fronted adverbial to describe the action. We came...
by Mrs Hay | Sep 28, 2018 | News, Year 4
Year 4 have been trying extremely hard with handwriting to gain their ‘Pen Licence’ . The children have been trying to perfect joins and letter sizes . It’s an exciting race to see who is next to gain one. Keep trying hard, Year 4!...
by Mrs Hay | Sep 27, 2018 | Events and Visits
On Tuesday 25th September, our ‘Friend’s of Barley Mow’ held a coffee morning to raise awareness and funds to support Macmillan and Children’s Cancer UK. September is also Childhood Cancer awareness month this year and lots of people bought...