Weather Watchers

Weather Watchers

Year 1 have been observing and describing the weather over the last few weeks. Every morning we take and record the temperature using the thermometer outside our classroom. We loved using an anemometer to measure the wind speed and a weather vane and compass to work...
Special books

Special books

Last week, Year 1 began their RE unit on special books by bringing in their own special books to share with the class. We talked about why our books were important to us. This week, we have been learning about some special religious books. We found out that the...
Fun with Shapes

Fun with Shapes

Year 1 have been learning to recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes and have been finding out about their properties. We have had fun spotting shapes around the classroom, building with shapes, making patterns with shapes, guessing shapes in a feely bag, making shape...