Wow Nursery have been working their socks off this week learning all about dinosaurs for our blaze the trail unit. We started by looking at different species of dinosaurs and their characteristics such as: how many limbs, what they eat and how they move. We practised moving like different dinosaurs and talked about how dinosaurs are determined to fulfil their objectives. We then designed our own dinosaurs to make puppets! We spoke about what we liked about the dinosaurs and facts we could remember about them. We even made our own poster full of facts. We discussed as a class and told Miss Goddard so she could record it. We have been extremely busy in the provision we have been completing lots of dinosaur activities. We explored the footprints different type of dinosaurs leave by stamping them in the paint. We practised making our own dinosaur fossils in the playdough and loved rescuing the dinosaurs who were trapped in elastic bands in the funky fingers area. We enjoyed using the interactive smart board to design our own dinosaurs.