Nursery have worked extremely hard over the Christmas period! We started off by learning about the Christmas story and how it started in Bethlehem. We loved retelling the story during our play using small world figures. This helped us to understand our Christmas performance and the story which we were telling. We have been very busy in the provision completing different jobs. In our art area we were exploring creating pictures with potato mashers to make snowmen. We have been strengthening our fine motor skills by sliding paperclips onto candy canes and cutting out pictures to create our own Christmas cards. We also loved making paperchains using strips of paper and glue sticks. Nursery have loved taking part in role play using our Christmas costumes in our Christmas house. We helped decorate our nursery tree and re-enacted Christmas traditions from our homes. We have been extremely busy developing our maths skills during the Christmas period by exploring numicon and looking at different ways to make 5, we were staying the sentence “2 and 3 make 5”. We were then working hard to recognise numerals 1-5 and counting the corresponding number of sticks for Stickman. We have enjoyed many Christmas stories over the Christmas period such as; Stickman, Gruffalo’s Child, Aliens Love Panta Clause and many more! Nursery had an amazing time at their Christmas party dancing and singing to lots of Christmas music. Throughout the Christmas period we have loved coming to school in our Christmas jumpers and even had a surprise visit from Santa!