Nursery have been very busy this term learning about growing. We started our learning by looking at different foods that grow. Nursery read the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We talked about the different foods the caterpillar ate and how some of them grow. We used the story ‘Growing in the Garden’ to help us understand different foods which grow. We then discussed which foods were our favourite from the story. Nursery then we’re able try different fruits and vegetables. Some of them we had tasted before and some were new for us. We ate foods such as mango, pineapple, strawberries, peppers, celery and melon. We explored what the food looked, felt and smelled like before tasting. We were all super stars and tried all of the new foods! We then put our name card to see which food was our favourite, strawberries and pineapple were definitely a hit in our class! After we found out what our favourite food was we used this to make a healthy drink. We talked about the importance of washing our hands before touching the foods and how to be safe when using a knife. We worked as a class to prepare bananas and strawberries. Then we put all the cut up fruit into the blender with some pineapple juice. Nursery loved tasting a smoothie which they had made! Then we looked at things beside fruits and vegetables that grow, we used the story ‘A Tiny Seed’ to show us how flowers grow throughout different seasons within the year. We talked about what a seeds to grow. Nursery then had the opportunity to plant their own seeds, we filled cups up with soil and covered our seeds. We have loved watering the seeds and leaving them in the sun, we can’t watch to see them grow! We have loved learning about things that grow in our provision. Nursery worked hard to sort different parts of a flower into containers, we sorted leaves, stems and flower heads into the correct pots. We also practiced our cutting skills by making snips into a cupcake case and sticking it onto our green paper stem. In the art area we have been using different resources, we used bottles to create blossom for blossom trees, paper plates and potato mashers for flowers. We have loved using different items to create our pictures. Nursery used the smart board to colour and create pictures of rainbows and flowers, we know how to select different colours and create lines using our finger. We have also worked our socks off in the maths area by recognising numbers and matching the correct number of pegs onto the flower. Then we have been practicing representing numbers by writing how many pegs we have on the flower, we did this with the numeral and dots. Fantastic work Nursery!