Nursery and Reception have worked so hard this week learning about three different celebrations. Both classes started the week completing activities around Pancake Day. We made pancakes in the playdough, while adding delicious toppings, used our cutting and gluing skills to make funny pancake faces and the best part, we had our own pancakes at school with either chocolate or strawberry sauce and fruit. The next day was Valentine’s Day, we celebrated this by making our own valentines cards in the writing area, made heart collages in our creative area with different types of paper, made hearts on the playdough table and Nursery fixed broken hearts by subitising the dots on one half of a heart and matched it with the correct number on the other half to complete it. We also had a lovely Valentine’s Day Little Movers! During this Gemma; the coach, brought in heart balloons. We used these in relay races and with the parachute for extra Valentines fun. For the remainder of the week, Early Years have learnt about Chinese New Year and that we are celebrating the year of the dragon in 2024. We dressed up in authentic Chinese clothing in our home corner and tried using chop sticks, we then learnt about the history of Chinese New Year and why animals represent different years. We made dragons on the playdough table using pompoms, feathers and googly eyes and made paper chain dragons in our creative area with our gluing skills. Reception also had a go at practicing writing Chinese style lettering with paint brushes and using the whiteboard to decorate Chinese fans. Nursery and Reception also had a chance to try some yummy Chinese food which consisted of rice, noodles and prawn crackers. Nursery and Reception have then finished our week by making a dragon head to preform a Chinese dragon dance with musical instruments to welcome in the New Year. What a busy and fun week to end half term on 😊