This term Nursery have started looking at traditional tales. We started this week with Little Red Riding Hood and explored the story by looking at the characters and learning the repetitive phrases. We have then had lots of fun dressing up as our story characters, in the home corner which we changed into Grandma’s cottage. We added to baskets in our writing area, by drawing food that we would take to Grandma in little red riding hood, if we were visiting her to make her feel better. We have also made cups of tea in the water tray by filling and pouring tea pots and tea cups and investigated tea bags by the smell and colour it turned our water. We have threaded baskets with string in our tuff tray to help our fine gross motor skills, retold the story to each other using story spoons in our reading area and have even done some more colour mixing, by mixing the colours black and white to make grey so we could have a try of painting the big bad wolf. Nursery have also in small groups created maps, which we discussed help us get to one place to another, to help us get to grandmas house without getting lost.