Nursery and Reception have been working so hard over the last couple of weeks, learning all about people within our community that help us. We discussed that every day our grown ups and teachers help us but sometimes we need extra help from other people. We looked at how Dentists help us to look after our teeth and put various activities in both our provisions to help us understand the importance of cleaning our teeth twice a day, for two minutes and not eating too much sugar. We then looked at how other people like Doctors and Nurses look after us when we’re poorly. Mrs Jones also kindly brought in for a show and tell, some of her daughters belongings to discuss how she works as a Nurse for the NHS. We also watched how to bandage a poorly body part up and later we got a turn ourselves to practise this skill on our dolls and teddy’s in our provision. We also got to look at some of the equipment Nurses and Doctors use and how they dress when they are at work looking after patients. We then practised looking after each other, dressing up as Doctors and Nurses and checking each others heart beat with a stethoscope or checking each others temperature with our thermometers. We also painted fruit and other healthy foods to remind us that eating the right stuff will help keep our bodies fit and strong. We then looked at how paramedics, firefighters and police help us and that they have such an important job. We also learnt that they work all through the night, even when we have gone to sleep. Nursery and Reception also learnt that in an emergency we would ring the number 999 to get the correct help that we need. We also pretended to be builders as we learnt that they help us by building, schools, hospitals and our homes. Nursery and Reception have really enjoyed learning about these important jobs, within our community.