Early Years have had so much fun this week harvesting our fruit and vegetables from the garden. We started this week trying our pears and apples and decided to turn our pears into other delicious edible foods. Nursery and Reception chose their own pear from our tree and washed it before having a turn of cutting them up independently which is great for our fine motor skills. We then added them all together into a bowl and the pears after cooking them, were turned into either pear purée with chocolate on top or cooked pears. Nursery really enjoyed watching and discussing the change of state the pears had gone through and tasting them. Reception were feeling extra adventurous and added their pears into a mixture of flour, sugar, oil, milk and an egg. This made pear muffins and Reception thought they were delicious. Some of early years had also before the summer holidays planted carrots, which were ready to be pulled out. Nursery and Reception took turns looking for the carrots in the soil and pulling them out, to get ready for washing. Once washed, we sat in a big circle and talked about how the carrots were once seeds and because of the sun and rain, the seeds started to grow. We also discussed how the carrots had grown roots to suck up water and nutrients to be able to be able to do this and were able to look at them on one of our carrots. Nursery and Reception then all tasted our own school grown carrots and really enjoyed them!