’The children in Reception have been learning all about time. We started by looking at a minute timer and completing different activities during that 1minute. We had to write our name as many times as possible, completing jumping and some hula hooping. We had lots of fun! We then learned that 60 seconds was the same as 1 minute. We used a sand timer to complete some activities and see if we could be quicker this time! We then talked about the days of the week and sang a song to help us list and count them. The children could identify some significant events which happen on each day including PE and fishy Fridays. We then moved onto the months of the year. We used our learning journey in the classroom to review what we had done in each month so far in Reception. We then learned which month each of our friends had their birthdays in. Finally, we created our very own clock. We had to add the numbers then tell the time when the clock showed o’clock.