Nursery and Reception have been rather green fingered since returning to school. We started the new term by reading Jasper’s Beanstalk and Katie’s Sunflowers in Nursery and Jack and the Beanstalk in Reception. This made us think about planting and growing and we discussed all about what plants will need and what they will use, in order to grow. We have then used our gardening tools to get rid of some of the weeds in our garden, to make room to plant some new bulbs and flowers. Nursery and Reception have also planted their own seeds in a plant pot, which was either a sunflower seed or a runner bean seed. We will watch them grow and take good care of them. We really enjoyed doing this activity and have been taking turns to water our seeds ever since. In our setting, we have also been learning about Vincent Van Gogh and learning how to paint or draw his world famous sunflower picture as well as making representations of a sunflower in our play-dough area. Nursery and Reception have also had fun using different media to make beanstalks from both books we have been reading and have loved using our tuff tray to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Nursery and Reception have also enjoyed using our farm shop role play area and have started learning all about different types of fruit and vegetables. We have had a busy and fun start to our summer term.