It has been fantasic to see so many children continuing to access Purple Mash and completing the 2dos set by their teachers. A big well done to the following children who have been logging on regularly and completing the set activities.

Nursery – Aidan and Jack Mc

Reception – Poppy, Amelia Rose, Jamie, Kai, Rudy, Jessica, Ellie and Tiana.

Year 1 – Brogan, George and Connie.

Year 2 – Kane, Tilly, Francessca and Eve.

Year 3 – Andrew, Lola, Ellie, Amber, Julia, Verity, Joe and Owen.

Year 4 – Kieron and Matthew

Year 5 – Mamert, Skye, Benjamin, Richard, Megan, Sayam, Olivia and Alex

Year 6 – Jayden, Anna, Eve, Aidan, Holly and Ola.

It would be great to see more children using Purple Mash and completing the activities that teachers have set for them. Staff will continue to check regularly to see who is accessing this great website. Don’t forget to share your activities on the notice board so everyone can see your work. Get logging in!