In Science Year 2 have been looking at how heat can change materials.

Mrs Noakes gave us a tiny object but didn’t tell us what it was. We had to carefully observe what the object looked like, we smelt it, we talked about how it felt and we listened carefully to see if it made a sound.

After careful observation we decided that the object might be a popcorn kernel. Mrs Noakes confirmed that we were correct.

We very quietly crept into the staff room and put a bag of popcorn kernels in the microwave to see what would happen when they were heated. We watched as the bag expanded and listened excitedly as the kernels popped rapidly. When the popping had stopped we opened the bag to see what had happened. Once again we carried out careful observations and compared how the popcorn looked now to what it had looked like as a kernel. We were amazed at the transformation and because we had worked so hard we got to eat the popcorn too.