Linked to our growing topic, Reception read the story Supertato. This story was all about a superhero potato that saved the supermarket from an Evil Pea. We arrived to school the next day to find the Evil Pea had trapped the fruit and vegetable and tied some of them up. We worked hard to untie them using our strong fingers.
To develop writing skills we made wanted posters to help catch the Evil Pea. We also made our own super vegetable and wrote what their super powers would be.
Using blocks, we made our own supermarket and retold the story of Supertato as well as making up our own stories.
In the Creative Area we made Supertatos using real potatoes and used a range of different materials to add features such as a mask and a belt.
In the Role Play area we had our own fruit and veg shop. we made price tags and learnt about money coins. we used real money to pay for fruit and vegetables.
To help us learn vegetable names we made vegetable soup! We explored the vegetables, talked about what they felt like and even tried them. Next we cut them up and put them into the pan to make soup. We wrote down some instructions of how to make vegetable soup, in case you would like to make it!