Handball Skills

On Friday, Year 6 went to Lord Lawson to take part in some activities in their PE hall with the help from their sports leaders. They were joined by some Year 6’s from other primary schools in the area where they were able to practise different skills that are needed...

Multiplication Masters

The children in Year 5 have been working hard to develop their multiplication skills this week. They began by recapping short multiplication methods before moving on to using the area model to multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number. Next, the children will...

Super Me Competition

Before Christmas, the children in Year 1 took part in a Young Writers’ competition for homework. We were asked to create and name a superhero and design their outfit. All of the art work from the children who entered has been chosen to be published in a real book...

All About Winter

This week we have been learning all about winter and the changes which happen at this time of year. We started off by observing the changes which have happened outside in our nursery garden. We noticed that all the leaves on the trees and bushes had fallen off and...

We’re Making a Pizza the Size of the Sun!

Year 4 have started a new English unit this half term based on the poetry of Jack Prelutsky. Today we had a go at performing one of his poems. We studied our poem and practiced our timing, rhythm, intonation and enthusiasm to perform the poem ‘I’m Making a Pizza the...

Newsletter 10.1.25

Newsletter 10.1.25

Winter walk

Year 1 are looking at seasonal change as part of their science work. Today we went on a walk looking for signs of winter. It was very cold and so we had to wrap up warm. There was lots of ice and frost on the ground and we were lucky to see a robin too! We saw how the...

I have rights!

In our assembly this week we learned that every person in the world has rights and that children have special rights. We followed this up in our PSHE lesson to find out about some of these rights and made a poster to highlight some children’s rights. We also loved...


On behalf of all the staff, the children and Governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to Barley Mow Primary School. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful school building, which is fully accessible to all.

At Barley Mow we aim to create a happy, caring and supportive ethos in which every child is valued and given the opportunity to realise their full potential. We have high academic, social, sporting, cultural and behavioural standards and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our children.

Children are at the centre of everything we do. We aim to foster a love of learning which we hope will stay with them throughout their lives.

The family community of Barley Mow is central to our beliefs. Families and the wider community play a vital role as co-educators and we encourage close links between home and school.

I hope that through our school website, you will be able to gain an insight into our school. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to arrange a visit or gain further information.

Nicola Watson (Head Teacher)


Multiplication Masters

Multiplication Masters

The children in Year 5 have been working hard to develop their multiplication skills this week. They began by recapping short multiplication methods before moving on to using the area model to multiply a two-digit number by a two-digit number. Next, the children will...

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Super Me Competition

Super Me Competition

Before Christmas, the children in Year 1 took part in a Young Writers’ competition for homework. We were asked to create and name a superhero and design their outfit. All of the art work from the children who entered has been chosen to be published in a real book...

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